Experience with added value
More than 110 years of production, planning, development and performance of complete manufacturing plants and spare parts for the steel producing industry worldwide are united in an enormous wealth of experience that makes us one of the best consultants in this field of technology. This is why we built up GW | Consulting as a new business unit.
We know why rolls and components for rolling mills perform smoothly and what is important for their maintenance. We know the requirements of wear protection of rolls and components of rolling mills.
Efficiency in production and planning of these products is our day-to-day business. The total of our knowledge will assist you within short, always focusing on improvement of productivity and workshop equipment as well as optimization of your plant performance.
Consulting for state-of-the-art built-up welding
We equip your main workshop with state-of-the art built-up welding machines in order to optimize the service life of your rolls and segments.
In addition to machinery equipment we also provide solutions for optimal operating procedure and work process and this for all technical and economic aspects of the workshop including safety at work, record keeping and quality control.
We do not only focus on the GW | products and machinery provided by us but also optimize or replace the existing machines, products, procedures and processes. Thus, we improve the efficiency of component and roll maintenance as well as the process operation of your complete workshop.
A safe production and an efficient maintenance is always depending on competent and motivated staff in modern work area. We offer a full range of training programs with our highly-skilled and experienced staff members. Our training programs combine theory and practice. Thus, the participants will benefit from a full qualification and will be well prepared to meet the increasing challenges at work. Courses can be either held at our own GW | training center in Witten or on site with our customer in practical situations.
I would do it the same way as I did it so far - instead of one exception:
I would engage better consultants much earlier.